Friday, January 19, 2018

Grade 1 Self Portraits

We have started our second Art Project with our Grade 1 students and we couldn't be more excited about it!

They will be creating self projects in the style of Canadian Contemporary artist Sandra Silbersweig. This project requires a lot of preparation, we started with a pre-assessment of a self portrait to know how much our students know about the proportions of the face.  When the students were exposed to Sandra's Art, they realized that the faces were quite different and not realistic, they were introduced to the concept of ABSTRACT ART which they found fascinating.

In preparation for the self portraits, students are learning about theory of color by creating a colour wheel and developing their understandings of color combinations: complementary colors, analogous colors, warm and cool colors, primary, secondary and tertiary colors. They were given primary colours and they needed to produce the rest of the colour wheel, they have loved this part of the project!  Stay tuned for more photos of this fascinating project.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Grade 2 Color Wheel

In grade 2 We are doing a unit on color theory.  We looked at the color wheel and reviewed primary, secondary and tertiary colors and how to make them.  The students made a color wheel chart to start and then had to come up with a way to make their own original color wheel.  The students started by sketching their ideas into a sketchbook. They then chose the best idea to create as their final project.  The pictures below show their first color wheel where they created their colors by using only primary colors.  Then the students beginning ideas and finally their designs on good paper. Some students are still working on theirs while others are still in the middle of their project.  They will then work in groups to create a video on how to explain one aspect of the color wheel to others. Blow are the steps the students went though in order to complete this project.

Creating a color wheel using only the primary colors.

Sketchbook ideas for creating their own color wheel 

Students had to present 3-4 sketch ideas before creating their final design

Students then transferred their sketchbook ideas to large paper   

Students would then start painting in each section starting with primary colors and them making their own secondary and tertiary colors. 

Students would then outline their design with black crayon for their finished product. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

KG1 HOT Air Balloons

Our KG1 artists have been working very hard painting, cutting and developing their understanding of composition by creating a beautiful sky full of hot air balloons. This mixed media project is starting to look amazing.

 We started by creating a collage using tissue paper for the hot air balloons:

we painted the background using warm or cool colors and added white clouds using sponges ant twisting them to make them look puffy. 

We also created a beautiful texture using brown paint and scrapers for the baskets. Once we had all these pieces we put it together creating a beautiful composition! Here are some samples:

Kindergarten 2 Dot project

In Kg2 the students participated in International Dot day. This is from the book "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds that tells the story of a girl that does not think she is a good artist and is unwilling to try.  Through the help of her art teacher she becomes inspired and starts creating amazing art. Our students took inspiration from this book to create their own unique 3D dot.  The students learned how to trace and overlap shapes as well as how to draw different types of lines and shapes and then doing a oil pastel and paint resist. The 3D dot was created by using the robot Sphero and the children enjoyed learning how to control and move Sphero to help them paint their projects. The photos below are of the students sketch books to show their ideas and how they practiced with lines as well as the finished project.  You can come and see their work on display out side of room F38.

Current display outside of F38

Practice drawing lines in sketchbook after reading "Lines that Wiggle" by Candace Whitman

Practiced drawing overlapping shapes and adding the lines that we learned about the week before

Making the finished design on large paper and adding lines with oil pastels and then painting the spaces with tempra cakes.  Then outlining the circles with large black crayons

The children guiding sphero to help them paint paper

The finish product after cutting out circles and then attaching it with a "spring" made by folding paper